Am I obliged to notify the CCC by phone about receiving a summons while on sick leave?
Am I obliged to notify the CCC by phone about receiving a summons while on sick leave?
Get a sick leave (or sick leave certificate). The first step is to visit a medical facility where a doctor can issue an official sick leave certificate.
Write a statement-notification to the CCC. The statement should include the following elements: Your personal data, the number and date of the summons, the reason for the absence (illness), as well as information about the open sick leave, including its number and date of issue. Be sure to attach a copy of the sick leave to the statement.
Notify the CCC of your incapacity for work. Contact the Territorial Recruitment Center for registration. This should be done in any possible way. That is, in person or through a representative. If you cannot personally appear at the CCC due to a serious health condition, it is worth appointing a proxy who can represent your interests and submit documents.
Record confirmation of document submission. When submitting documents to the CCC, make sure you receive confirmation of receipt of the documents, such as a corresponding mark or registration number of the incoming letter. This can serve as proof that you reported your health condition on time.