How can a person who is abroad refuse to pay IDPs?

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09.08.2023 13:26 666


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

People who have moved abroad and are unable to personally come to the social security authorities can remotely refuse payments for IDPs and other types of state assistance.

To do this, it is necessary to send an application for refusal of financial assistance by e-mail or postal means to the address of the social protection body in Ukraine, in which you are registered.

The following mandatory details must be specified in the application of an arbitrary form:

  • the name of the social protection body in which the citizen is registered;

  • surname, first name, patronymic (if available) of the beneficiary;

  • address of registered/declared place of residence/stay;

  • mobile phone contact number;

  • email address (if available);

  • the type of assistance received (assistance for accommodation of IDPs).

09.08.2023 13:56


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